Humangled - _Edge of Beyond_
by: Quentin Kalis (3.5 out of 5)
Compared to last year's _Refoetalize_, Humangled's embryonic sound has evolved towards a more focused and precise vision emboldened by an improved sound and production. Their mix of death metal with industrial metal touches is remarkably free of extraneous electronics or samples. The vocals lack dynamics, resulting in a rather monotonous growl, and while the guitar tone is sharper, it is less full and the album as a whole sounds rather sparse. They intend to record a full-length, and whilst on the evidence of _Edge of Beyond_ it won't be stillborn, it may nevertheless be premature. Regardless, I do feel Humangled can achieve their stated purpose -- like climbers ascending Everest, the target is known but the path is tough and unclear, littered with many pitfalls for the unwary, and can only be reached by slow and steady progress.


(article published 30/9/2008)

4/25/2007 Q Kalis 3 Humangled - Refoetalize
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