Dornenreich - _In Luft geritzt_
(Prophecy Productions, 2008)
by: Pedro Azevedo (8 out of 10)
Sometimes bands decide to do one-off albums that just leave you baffled, but on other occasions those albums make perfect sense. Fortunately, Dornenreich's acoustic _In Luft geritzt_ offers a very interesting view of the band's music, and serves as a welcome detour in their career. Not that Dornenreich's musical path was ever a predictable one to begin with, mind you: the commendable _Durch Den Traum_ was only the last in a line of challenging records the band has released over the years with varying degrees of success.

It can be said that _In Luft geritzt_ is to Dornenreich what _Kveldssanger_ was to Ulver, in the sense that it extracts part of the essence of their music and expresses it using different tools. However, since there isn't any folk as such in Dornenreich's music, there really is no comparing _In Luft geritzt_ to _Kveldssanger_ in terms of content -- in fact, there's no clean singing, either. Dornenreich's acoustic album is all based on their characteristic whispered, sometimes snarled vocals, violin and guitar, and also some scattered background percussion. The combination of those peculiar vocals with the urgent, sometimes almost desperate violin and guitar ensures this is not a typical, laid back acoustic record. Atmospheric as it is, _In Luft geritzt_ is usually pacy, and even aggressive at times in its own way. Off the beaten path and a welcome break from the norm.


(article published 2/7/2008)

30/5/2014 P Azevedo 9 Dornenreich - Freiheit
26/2/2011 P Azevedo 9 Dornenreich - Flammentriebe
12/1/2007 P Azevedo 8 Dornenreich - Durch Den Traum
19/10/2001 P Azevedo 8.5 Dornenreich - Her Von Welken Nachten
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