Hanzel Und Gretyl - _Transmissions from Uranus_
(Energy Records, 1997)
by: Adrian Bromley (9 out of 10)
I really like this band. Ever since I heard their 1995 debut disc, _Ausgeflippt_, on Energy Records, I was hooked. It was full of weird, demented samples and sounds dispersed within loud noises, industrial riffs, and lyrics sung in German that caught my ear. I was eagerly awaiting to hear the follow-up to their debut, hoping that as well as continuing to be weird and all that, their music would be stronger and more diverse. My prayers had been answered. The band's latest LP, _Transmissions from Uranus_, is an amazing record. From the opening transmission of "Black Forest Galaxy" onto the closing number of "Om Zentrale Station" the band lays it all out on the line. Incorporating such music styles as industrial, noise, ambient, techno, and metal (the list could go on) _TfU_ kicks and screams with diverse sounds and ideas throughout, sectioned off by intricate samples and sound bites. In some sense, _TfU_ is like a bad B-movie sci-fi flick. There are a lot of people out there who may not know of HUG, and that is unfortunate, but I am :highly: recommending this record to anyone who is into diverse sounds and obscure song styles all rolled into one package. One of my fave records of 1997.

(article published 7/6/1997)

14/7/1997 A Bromley Hanzel und Gretyl: Children For Breakfest
17/1/1996 A Bromley Hanzel Und Gretyl: The Noise of Making Art
29/5/2003 A McKay 8 Hanzel und Gretyl - Uber Alles
13/12/1995 A Bromley 7 Hanzel Und Gretyl - Ausgeflipt
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