Soul Destruction - _United in Obscurity_
by: Aaron McKay (5 out of 5)
It's just now May, going on June, and thus far this year I have had two extremely pleasant surprises: the new Venom release and this demo from Ohio's Soul Destruction. They present their sound as "diversity and power". I might be compelled to call 'em "poignant" and "imposing" as well. I received Soul Destruction's promo material on audio cassette instead of CD and -still- was astonished at the immensity of SD's sound. Without planting personal preconceived comparisons in the acreage of your thoughts (a little mid-West humor there), I don't have to stretch too far to hear some shrouded S.O.D. and possibly Wrathchild America congruities. Now with a duel vocal offensive, a power-lung roar and a low-register quake, Soul Destruction stands to make some very impressive rumblings through the industry. Having shared the stage with Armored Saint and Today Is the Day, what would make me really pleased now, I think, would be a Venom / Soul Destruction bill. With a demo like this, the SD boys are going to have to find another way to be -united-, 'cause it won't be in -obscurity- much longer.


(article published 12/8/2000)

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