Wyrd - _Kalivagi_
(Naga Porductions, 2009)
by: Quentin Kalis (7.5 out of 10)
Whatever attributes sole member Narqath may possess, laziness is not one of them, as he has managed to find the time to record the eighth Wyrd full-length, in addition to his duties in a litany of other bands including Azaghal and Svartkraft. This can be regarded as a return to the dark pagan roots of _Heathen_ and _Huldradans_, with a healthy dose of distinctly Finnish melancholy. The songs are surprisingly simple, and the melodies sound just like half of the axe-wielding Vikings in any respectable folk metal collection. Paradoxically, this has not affected my enjoyment, and its rudimentary nature may even have rendered this more enjoyable. It's not the best work Narqath has attached his name to, but can be included on his CV without a hint of embarrassment.

Contact: http://www.myspace.com/wyrdfinland

(article published 12/7/2009)

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