Skepticism - _aes_
(Red Stream, 1999)
by: Aaron McKay (8 out of 10)
What a nice evenflow feel this mCD by Skepticism has running through it, like a predator on the prowl at dusk. Self-titled "emotionally artistic funeral doom", Skepticism has more to offer, I believe. Unabridged, unqualified passages absorb the listener concurrently through the nearly 28 minute, one-track composition. Resonant cymbals splash with timely washes of despondency. Guitar usage is at a minimum, serving to intensify the feeling of the distraught progression of the passage. I was first exposed to Skepticism on Red Stream's _To Live Is to Ever Be in Danger_ compilation. The chosen track for that release was "Pouring" from the _Aeothe Kaear_ 1995 demo. While both are beautifully crafted pieces, the _aes_ mCD track is more mature and directed. "Pouring" has a sound more equitable to death funeral doom, specifically due to the gravel-style vocals present and a forging tempo, where _aes_ tries to stake a claim to a babbling brook through a dank forest feel. Skepticism is a band to be embraced. I intend now to wait patiently for their next full-length release.

(article published 12/8/1999)

10/1/1998 A Cantwell 6 Skepticism - Lead and Aether
2/5/1997 D Schinzel 8 Skepticism - ethere
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