In Grey - _XII_
by: Pedro Azevedo (4 out of 5)
Swedish gothic metallers In Grey have sent out this teaser promo in anticipation of their forthcoming second full-length, no doubt hoping to increase interest in said album. Compared to previous efforts, the songs on _XII_ tend to feature more prominent piano lines intertwined with the mostly melodic guitar work, while the recently added vocalist continues to find his footing with the band. The songs remain pleasant and catchy, though still lacking a sharper edge and some extra bite in spite of the professional production job. Aggression is not what the band is looking for though, and while a darker approach would still be welcome, some improvement in that area is noticeable: the closing track is decently doomy and although it isn't terribly original with its My Dying Bride overtones, it remains a step in an interesting direction. "Once Again" is only saved by its keyboards, as the vocal lines are very poor. "The End Is the Beginning" and "Bittersweet" remain as the most accurate and successful examples of In Grey's sound in 2005. Overall _XII_ is marginally better than their previous demo, and indeed becomes In Grey's best release so far -- it is a lot better than what they have done in the past in places, but also has its weak spots which prevent a higher rating. A potentially interesting full-length may well be on its way for fans of melodic gothic metal, but there is still work ahead for In Grey.


(article published 7/4/2005)

25/3/2007 P Azevedo 6.5 In Grey - Liyah
29/7/2004 P Azevedo 6 In Grey - Sulphur Tears
31/1/2005 P Azevedo 4 In Grey - MMIV
14/1/2002 P Azevedo 4 In Grey - Above
13/3/2001 P Azevedo 2 In Grey - ...And Once Again the Same Mask
12/8/1999 P Azevedo 4 In Grey - Seasons Change
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