Cephalectomy - _Dark Waters Rise_
by: Adrian Bromley (3 out of 5)
While the music comes across brutal for all to hear, the production of this band's material (now on CD format) still lacks something. Much like the weak production on their three-song _Gateway to the Gods, _Dark Waters Rise_ loses a bit of appeal with the weak production, though the music and its wickedly violent pace soon dissolves that dilemma. From the get-go, the music of Cephalectomy flows with intensity and anger, lashing out at us with a wicked sneer, crushing us beneath the weight of the band's multi-styled playing. Influenced heavily by bands like Brutal Truth and Internal Bleeding, Cephalectomy rarely slows the pace down, shoving heavy riff and growls into our face as much as they can. It's intense and quite good. Snag yourselves a copy by contacting the band (see contact below) and support the Canadian metal scene.

Contact: Corey Andrews, RR#1 Brookfield, Col. Co N.S.,

(article published 1/10/1998)

31/10/2008 Q Kalis 7.5 Cephalectomy - The Dream Cycle Mythos
19/4/2004 A McKay 8 Cephalectomy - Eclipsing the Dawn
10/1/2001 A Bromley 7.5 Cephalectomy - Sign of Chaos
17/11/1997 A Bromley 3 Cephalectomy - Gateway To The Gods
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