Dying Fetus - _Killing on Adrenaline_
(Morbid Records, 1998)
by: Aaron McKay (9 out of 10)
To borrow a phrase from Devin Townsend, the new Dying Fetus is unquestionably heavy as a really (fuckin') heavy thing. I had _Killing on Adrenaline_ wedged in my Chevy S-10's disc spinner for the first time not long ago. For the entire thirty-four minute running time of the album, I honestly fought down an uncontrollable urge to stop the damn truck and THRASH about it. Completely compulsive and utterly crushing is this release. If DF's sound was any more weighty, I'm -sure- the sound couldn't be conveyed through normal speaker equipment. This four piece outfit delivers its ferocity from the Atlantic region of Maryland. An excellent locale for DF, due to the close proximity to the New York and Washington DC underground. Both of which DF prosper heavily in. _KoA_ is the third release for this uncompromising foursome. The first, _Infatuation With Malevolence_, was a brutal combination of both demos of the original/founding members, John Gallagher (guitar/vocals) and Jason Netherton (bass/vocals), released on Wild Rags. The next DF effort, _Purification Through Violence_, saw a impressively dramatic maturation in style, presence and musicianship. This feat in the band's development was second only to DF's growth into the powerful slash/groove force of _Killing on Adrenaline_. _KoA_ will no doubt separate this group even further for the ever increasing fold of the death metal genre. The style of this music you have no doubt heard, but not done like this in DF style. -Not- typical DF style, mind you, because I maintain that the band has gone out of their way to innovate themselves and overhaul the sound into a creation that begs to be experienced truly only in a live concert setting. In addition to the highlight of the album for this reviewer, "Absolute Defiance" (a fuckin' killer cut, gentlemen), _KoA_ includes a cover of Integrity's "Judgement Day", placed well as track seven before ending with "Intentional Manslaughter". I encourage any listener yearning to experience a death metal outfit that stops at nothing to dip into the fist-wielding whirlpool of _Killing on Adrenaline_. Kudos, gentlemen!

(article published 1/10/1998)

16/1/1999 P Schwarz Dying Fetus: Nothing But Absolute Defiance
23/7/2011 A McKay 9.5 Dying Fetus - History Repeats...
20/4/2007 J Ulrey 8 Dying Fetus - War of Attrition
18/5/2003 J Smit 7.5 Dying Fetus - Stop at Nothing
12/8/2000 A McKay 9 Dying Fetus - Grotesque Impalement
13/5/1997 A Wasylyk 7 Dying Fetus - Purification through Violence
25/1/2004 J Smit Hate Eternal / Dying Fetus / Deeds of Flesh / Prejudice Why, Mr Sound Engineer, Why?
31/8/2003 A McKay Dying Fetus / Skinless / Divine Empire / Misery Index / Stavross A Mini Milwaukee
13/5/2001 A Cantwell Dying Fetus / Gorguts / Skinless / The Berserker Too Fast For Love
10/1/2001 D Rocher Morbid Angel / Enslaved / The Crown / Dying Fetus / Behemoth / Hypnos Belated Tales of the Unexpected
1/9/1998 A Wasylyk Withered Earth / Necronomicon / Deeds of Flesh / Dying Fetus / London Death Fest Milwaukee, Eat Your Heart Out
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