Detonation - _Emission Phase_
(Osmose, 2007)
by: Kostas Sarampalis (7.5 out of 10)
Detonation from The Netherlands have already produced two surprisingly good albums in the past five years, and they seem to be improving with every release. With this third album they come closer to matching the quality of their main inspiration, Dark Tranquillity. Yes, this is another melodic death metal album; but it is bloody good at what it offers. Where _An Epic Defiance_ had promise and an awesome song in "The Last of My Commands" and _Portals to Uphobia_ had overall songwriting improvements and variation, _Emission Phase_ solidifies on the experience of the band and comes across as a mature and well rounded effort.The most evident improvements are the tight musicianship and the quality of the production. Detonation sound angrier and more in control of their art. Solos abound and each song is well crafted. The rhythm section supports the guitars well enough, but don't expect any histrionics in that department. If I have any complains, I would pick on the vocals for being rather mundane, and the lack of one or two tracks that really stand out. It is also a slightly overlong album, but at least quality is not compromised. They cannot stand next to the likes of Dark Tranquillity just yet, as there are elements missing to attain that status -- like boldness, experience and experimentation. But they are still a young band.Clearly under the banner of melodic death metal, Detonation face all the challenges of the genre. There are plenty of people who see the genre as a sea of indifferent and undistinguished releases. While this is true, Detonation have managed to carve an identity amidst the crowd and have not made a wrong step just yet. They are not original, neither spectacular, but if a slab of good quality melodic aggression wakes you up in the morning with a smile, them lads ought to do it for you.
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