Harms Way - _Oxytocin_
(Black Lodge, 2006)
by: Jackie Smit (5 out of 10)
Talk about feeling short-changed; what starts off a righteous, albeit derivative romp across the desert-rock landscape of Kyuss and Queens of the Stone Age ultimately ends in disappointment on this Swedish quartet's debut. One could point to the band's relative inexperience at playing in this style -- the majority of Harms Way come from a thrash metal background, after all -- but songs like "High Becomes Low" demonstrate ably what's possible when they have their act together. The trouble is that by the time the record hits the halfway mark, _Oxytocin_ has long run dry of surprises, and even a sped-up "Prime Time" won't be able to stop most from nodding off.

Contact: http://www.harmsway.se

(article published 22/8/2006)

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