Face Down - _The Will to Power_
(Black Lodge, 2005)
by: Jackie Smit (8 out of 10)
And so Sweden's Face Down jot their name in the ever-growing register of bands who saw it fit to cast their lots back into fray one more time. The difference, surprisingly enough, is that in the time that's elapsed between 1997's unremarkable _The Twisted Rule the Wicked_, Face Down have learned how to write good songs -- a great myriad of them, as it turns out.

With former Haunted frontman Marco Aro behind the microphone, it's not surprising that _The Will to Power_, with its overpowering blitz of thrashing riffs, sounds like it could have been the follow-up to _One Kill Wonder_, had history written itself differently. That said, opener "Drained" makes it quite clear that this is going to be a far less expansive exercise than the aforementioned act's last opus, and those waiting to hear Aro croon his way through a melodic chorus or two had best stick to _The Haunted Made Me Do It_. For forty-three minutes flat, the band go for the jugular without any respite whatsoever, ripping and snarling their way through ten songs that aren't so much aggressive as borderline barbaric. The crusty yet bass-heavy production doesn't make proceedings any prettier either, and that's just fine, really: this triptych makes _The Will to Power_ one of the heaviest, catchiest and downright nasty thrash metal albums you'll hear this side of _Shovel Headed Kill Machine_.

Contact: http://www.facedown.nu

(article published 24/10/2005)

11/15/2005 J Smit Face Down: Strength Beyond Strength
1/1/1998 P Schwarz 9 Face Down - The Twisted Rule The Wicked
11/9/2005 J Smit Face Down / Panic Cell The Power of Four
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