Municipal Waste - _Hazardous Mutation_
(Earache Records, 2005)
by: Aaron McKay (4 out of 10)
What you must remember is this kind of material is my bread 'n' butter. Having grown up with D.R.I., the Crumbsuckers, Gang Green, and S.O.D. and Cerebral Fix, this crossover hardcore / thrash / mosh modus operandi is right up my alley; I cherish this shit. Municipal Waste pumps in the same kind of vein as the aforementioned greats (Cerebral Fix!), so this write-up mostly pains me to write. _Hazardous Mutation_ patents every perceivable aspect of what constitutes a "thrashcore throwback". Combining amusing hilarity with revved-up aggressive tempos, MW hits all the preconceived and stereotypical marks with _Hazardous Mutation_. Dave Whitte of Discordance Axis fame even lends his outstanding abilities on this effort to drive the hyper-charged, intensely beat-laden rhythm, but this animated effort is largely like shoveling sand against the tide. Spin after spin, _HM_ offers up an abandoned standout, "Set to Destruct"; complete with a Tom Araya-like scream, this cut, track fifteen, delivers the most memorable, catchy grooves of contagious tempo chops on the effort. Moreover, at a typical twenty-six minutes in length, the probable likelihood of this being an incredible album is nearly incalculable. Slayer did it with _Reign in Blood_, but these guys are no Slayer. What you expect is what you get on Municipal Waste's newest offering: simplicity of the hardcore stomp is "The Thing". "Unleash the Bastards"!


(article published 18/10/2005)

7/27/2007 J Smit 7.5 Municipal Waste - The Art of Partying
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