Underoath - _The Changing of Times_
(Solid State, 2002)
by: Aaron McKay (8 out of 10)
Mostly what is appealing to me about this Clearwater, Florida based six-piece is that they have the balls to separate themselves from the death metal scene that surrounds them. As you well know, that particular style, while not completely foreign to this reviewer, pervades the entire "Sunshine State". What can only be described as a metal-core, techno-ish, ambient saturated wonderment, Underoath leaves precious little to the imagination and -so- few unchallenged guitar riffs unplayed that I am, as a fan and reviewer, almost without means to articulate this band's penetrating prerogative predominance. Wanna example? I encourage you to take a crack at the tempestuously descriptive effort on "Angel Below" or the bludgeoning to follow with the power played out on "The Best of Me". Underoath ties a screamingly distressed vocal style, courtesy of Dallas Taliaferro Taylor, into rhythms that stir the soul. This outfit will see better days ahead, I am sure. Talent like that can't be locked out from the safety of the positive public opinion for long. Do all of us a favor and give Underoath a listen; it'll signify a positive change in the time you invest supporting this band. Like a three Martini lunch, _The Changing of Times_ should make your whole day that much better!

Contact: http://www.solidstaterecords.com

(article published 12/4/2002)

10/1/2001 A Cantwell 9.5 Underoath - Cries of the Past
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