g/z/r - _Cycle of Sixty/x13_
(TVT Records, 1996)
by: Gino Filicetti (7 out of 10)
This five song EP comes to us as a follow up to g/z/r's amazing debut record _Plastic Planet_. If you don't already know, g/z/r is made up of Fear Factory's rasper Burton C. Bell and Black Sabbath's legendary bassist Geezer Butler along with other less notable musicians. This EP consists of five tracks, two of which are brand spankin' new remixes of "Cycle of Sixty" and "x13" (makes for an original album title, doesn't it?), the remaining three are live cuts. The first song starts off really soft with acoustic guitars and very quiet, almost whispered vocals. All through the song I was waiting for a heavy grind to brake up the melody, but my wishes were not fulfilled. The second song, "x13," however is the complete opposite. It starts with a heavy groove and sports some weird distorted vocals. It's intensity never wanes, it only gets stronger, even through the surprise solo that appears amongst its tunage. The live songs covered here are "Drive Boy Shooting," "Detective 27" and "House of Clouds." Although I never had the good fortune of actually hearing _Plastic Planet_, I thought these live renditions were expertly executed. g/z/r are definitely one of those side projects that DON'T suck, now all I have to do is snatch myself a copy of their debut.

(article published 12/8/1996)

8/11/1995 A Gaudrault 7 g/z/r - Plastic Planet
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