Slayer - _Undisputed Attitude_
(American Recordings, 1996)
by: Gino Filicetti (7 out of 10)
Slayer doing punk. I don't know about you, but to me something in that sentence just doesn't click. But regardless of what you or I think, that's just what this seminal thrash band has gone and done. _Undisputed Attitude_ is Slayer's 10th release and is full of nothing but punk covers (with one original song thrown in for good measure). The idea behind making this album seems to mainly stem from guitarist Jeff Hanneman who's comments on each song appear most frequently in the liner notes. Unfortunately, yours truly is NOT the biggest punk fan on earth, so the fact that Slayer neglected to mention which bands they were covering in the liner notes left me pretty much clueless. They did however mention that three songs were Minor Threat covers, "Guilty of Being White," "I Hate You" and "Filler/I Don't Want To Hear It." Frankly, most of the music on this album just doesn't sound natural coming from Slayer. All of Slayer's tell-tale characteristics such as Araya's vocals and their own unique guitar signatures are still intact making the music sound more like thrash and less like punk. Some of my favorite tracks are "Mr. Freeze", which sort of sounds like something the band would write, "I'm Gonna Be Your God", which is a pretty nasty love song sung with wild vocal effects. And finally my absolute favorite track from this record, "Gemini", which is the one original, complete with lyrics in the liners. The music is slow and evil, the lyrics are expertly written and the song ends with heavier than hell riffs just chugging away. Suffice it to say that "Gemini" alone brought my rating of this album up at least two points.

(article published 9/6/1996)

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