Carcariass - _Sideral Torment_
(Impacts Records, 1999)
by: Adrian Bromley (6 out of 10)
With enough speed and death metal anger to keep things interesting for the most part, French act Carcariass aim to please with their technical angle on metal music. Slick guitar work helps muster their generic, yet brutal death metal sound. Along the lines of a more rhythmic Cannibal Corpse or Internal Bleeding, Carcariass need a bit more work before their metal approach is well rewarded. Points go out to the truly sincere technical approach of guitarist Pascal Lanquetin. We're talking John Petrucci (Dream Theater) playing death metal here. Certain songs work, allowing for a pleasurable listen, but in the end a bit more consistency is needed to make this band stand out above the rest of today's growing metal scene. Salut, Carcariass! Welcome to the metal ranks.

Contact: 41 E Chemin De Valentin, 25000 Bescancon, France

(article published 9/12/1999)

6/27/2003 P Azevedo 7 Carcariass - Killing Process
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