Obliterating Obsolescence
Obliveon with Blood of Christ and Solus
at the Generator in Toronto, April 4, 1997

by: Adam Wasylyk
Taking our seat at the Generator, I took a moment to soak up the ambiance. I then buried my nose into a magazine. The Generator is a horrible club, and I hate going there for shows knowing that these bands could be playing in a much better venue. I mean, the stage is positioned in a way that it's sideways to most of the club so you have to go to the very back of the place to see the band! Fucking stupid. Anyway, onto the band's playing tonight.

Opening the show was London's Blood of Christ, who played a good portion of material off their new CD _... A Dream to Remember_ (see review this issue). Although playing a very brutal set, unfortunately they were lacking something since the last time I saw them with Hemdale (or maybe it had to do with the significantly smaller crowd in attendance tonight).

Next up were Toronto's Solus who played material off their indie CD "Slave of Mind". Perhaps best described as "death rock", they played an okay set but failed in keeping my interest the entire set. Rather I was reading from my free Doomhauled zine, which is the most sick thing I've ever read. Perhaps Solus are one of Toronto's better metal bands, but you can easily be the best if there isn't any competition.

Montreal legends Obliveon closed out the show in a great fashion, playing technical thrash/death that kept the attention of all in attendance. Playing a variety of tracks such as "Nemesis", I was confused when they left the stage to only come back to do an encore song. How rock star-ish can you get? I mean, one woman was chanting for them to come back but that was about it. Perhaps inflated egos made them do an encore, but to tell the truth the crowd didn't want it (from my vantage point) [What are you talking about? I was there, and I was screaming my fucking lungs out for an encore! - AMG]. A good band playing some good music, it's just too bad the crowd didn't treat them as such.

(article submitted 13/5/1997)

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