Demonification - _For The People '01_
by: Alvin Wee (3 out of 5)
There's been a distinct lack of quality in the old-school thrash scene here in Singapore, with even old-timers like Abattory failing to deliver the goods. It's nice to see bands other than Impiety bringing a touch of classic thrash to their brand of extreme metal, and convincingly at that. Relative neophytes Demonification exceed expectations, spewing forth three tracks of pretty solid -- if somewhat unpolished -- death/thrash. The mostly mid-paced guitar-work is convincing enough, and, while never quite attaining the neck-breaking levels of Swordmaster or Ritual Carnage, manages to wring a few headbanging moments out of this jaded reviewer. Strangely enough, the latter material fails to impress as much as the first tape; much of the disappointment might lie with the disastrous vocals which -almost- manage to wreck the entire proceedings. Annoying yowls aside, the band pull off an even thrashier and more energetic piece of work than on the first demo, showing their potential for producing some pretty killer stuff in the future. It's important the band doesn't lose direction while searching for an original sound, and things don't look too bad at this stage given that the infamous Drakkar label will be releasing their upcoming cassette-EP. All these boys need is a smidgen of maturity and a touch more thought put into their songwriting process and they could be on to greater things.

Contact: Blk 115, Potong Pasir Ave. 1, #02-894, S(350115), Singapore

(article published 3/7/2002)

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