Hologram - _Into the Hologram_
by: Adrian Bromley (3 out of 5)
Totally working off their set style as a progressive metal/thrash outfit, Hologram, from Mexico (YES! another Mexican band) really do bring a certain flare of excitement to the music they play. The technical focus of the guitar playing and other musical aspects of the band are of a high calibre, well-executed, and carefully thought out. One would think that a band of this style would stay clear of any death metal influence and go for a more Fates Warning or Queensryche feel to it, but I'm sad to report that the band has brought into the fold an annoying screamer/growler who just taints the exquisite music with poor vocals. Not a good sign. I'd have given the band two stars, but felt that the music itself at least garnered three. So, to put it in a nutshell: good music, bad vocals. You decide if you'll pick this up. Recommended for fans of solid musicianship.

Contact: Hologram, c/o Fco. Javier Quintanar

(article published 14/7/1997)

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