Converge - _All We Love We Leave Behind_
(Epitaph, 2012)
by: Dan Lake (8.5 out of 10)
The world's human population can be neatly and unhyperbolically divided into two groups: Converge fans and peepee-pantsed mouth-breathers. What other reason could there be for not loving those tireless Bostonites? They're hardcore. They're metal. They're sly, smart songwriters. They're unhinged chaos. They're feral and ferocious. They're emotive. They're pros, and they don't give a fuck. Right around the time they were being crowned elder statesmen of the scene, they released _No Heroes_, a venomous negation of all vapid idolatry. Then, with fully five highly praised albums (one of them being the stone cold classic _Jane Doe_) under their belts, Converge unfurled a career highlight with _Axe to Fall_. Whatever well of blood and bile these guys draw from truly runneth over. Pre-show flagellation clearly has its benefits.

While _Axe to Fall_ saw the band tapping friends and colleagues for uncannily well integrated assistance, _All We Love We Leave Behind_ proves that Converge's core members can still bring the fire, and they can bring it in whatever form they choose. Kurt Ballou bestows nuclear-hot guitar licks on "Sadness Comes Home", and even rips off a little superb soloing deep in the track's chewy center. Ben Koller kicks off "Vicious Muse" with a jangly dance rock drum beat before the band drops in to rule your face harder than a bad batch of botox. Professional throat-hater Jacob Bannon goes for uncharacteristic scrutability on opener "Aimless Arrow" and late cut "Coral Blue", then shuts his mouth altogether on "Precipice". Of course, his contributions in the form of seething poetry and brilliant visual accompaniment seal the proverbial deal and seat _All We Love_ right next to all their other documents of untouchable greatness.

_All We Love_ is a Converge record of the highest caliber. Its message is unequivocal: grab life by the windpipe or grab a fucking mop -- your urine-drool puddle is getting out of control.


(article published 4/11/2012)

1/14/2002 P Schwarz 9.5 Converge - Jane Doe
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