Rabbits - _Lower Forms_
(Relapse Records, 2011)
by: Aaron McKay (7 out of 10)
You don't have to have Kiss's histrionics or Alice Cooper's theatrics to make a profound statement. Poison comes in small bottles, and Rabbits is every bit as potent creating a densely sunken sonic assault without the virtue of a bass. Dual subterranean tuned guitars, percussion and a tortured bray of vocal delivery, and you have the core elements of Rabbits.

Their first effort on Relapse, Rabbits took it upon themselves to make it easily recognizable, as well as forcibly memorable. Imagine a fusion of chromatically coarse-ground delivery with a decelerated, bottomed-out stewy eardrum chafing episode throughout the duration of the album's nearly forty-two minutes.

At times Rabbits coalesce the edginess of 1998's _Occupational Hazard_ by Unsane through a filter of _Time Heals Nothing_ Crowbar heaviness. Other formulas on _Lower Forms_ concoct tonics of crusty Disgust stirred slowly in with sludgy traces of Tad or Sleep. Tempo divergent riffs melt into regressively slow, but grainy passages on nearly every track of the ten songs comprising _Lower Forms_.

While terms of "bury", "drove" or "colony" of fuzzy bunnies might necessitate a number more than three, this Portland, Oregon trio's style of music is intended for massive volume absorption. All of which is intentionally formulated for consumption at maximum levels while plummeting the listener down the cavernous hole of sonorous grogginess. As Lewis Carroll might suggest: drink me!

Contact: http://www.myspace.com/rabbitusmaximus

(article published 25/2/2011)

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