Decayed Remains - _Moonlight_
(Independent, 1997)
by: Chris Bruni (7 out of 10)
Decayed Remains have released this noteworthy CD, henceforth expanding and altering the Canadian underground even more along with such Canadian notables as Demence, Necronomicon, and Quo Vadis (all from Quebec). _Moonlight_ is a concept CD based on lycanthropy, where each song flows with a continuity of dark desires. Slightly straying away from their death metal past, Decayed Remains incorporates it all. _Moonlight_ treads forth on their death metal leanings, incorporating metal/thrash influences (Voivod being prime example) and this time adding some black metal and gothic influence. The CD begins with a spoken prologue, ending with an epilogue, of course, as the band tear through their eleven tracks of dark art in a fashionable manner. Whether thrashing it up, breaking into full-blown acoustics, or goth-ing it up with keyboards, originality does surface at some moments as the band make quite an effort to execute their unique and sometimes banal style of metal. All in all, another Canadian hopeful to watch out for.

Contact: Radicart Productions c/o Decayed Remains, C.P. 834 St-Tite,

(article published 14/9/1997)

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