Israthoum - _Black Scenery Avatar_
(Merciless Records, 2006)
by: Quentin Kalis (5 out of 10)
Israthoum may be unknown to me, but consist of members poached from Dutch black metal bands Perditor, Liar of Golgotha and the cult Funeral Winds. Reportedly containing six members, I am bamboozled as to what exactly they do, as this dissonance could have been produced by half that complement. In ignorance of its composition, I would have assumed that this was a one man project, as the music lacks any sort of depth, with the guitars sounding too thin and trebly. The synths are not particularly impressive either and would not be missed.

The album improves in the latter half, with stronger melodies, especially "the Ghostly Hour" which is also synth free, but is insufficient to save the album. _Black Scenery Avatar_ remains a disappointing entrant to the burgeoning Dutch black metal scene.


(article published 8/6/2008)

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