Stigmata - _Hymns for an Unknown God_
(Too Damn Hype, 1997)
by: Adrian Bromley (5 out of 10)
>From the get go, Stigmata blast out intense and abrasive hardcore/metal. While the sludge and grind-groove of this hardcore/metal hybrid act is downright lethal at times (reminiscent of other HC/metal acts V.O.D. or Earth Crisis), there really is no substance or variety to what they create or play. A lot of the material sounds too similar at times, and while that may be part of their plan or agenda, it quickly loses the listener's interest. I've heard good things about this band and their live show, but on record it seems rather, well, boring. Sounds bad saying that and all but it's true. Only a few numbers ("Ignorant and Wired" and "Burning Human") really stand out. Maybe better luck next time out?
(article published 7/6/1997)
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