Ninefinger - _Ninefingered_
(Chord, 1997)
by: Gino Filicetti (6 out of 10)
After first hearing this band on their _Torque/Bad Wheel_ 7", I thought the music was pretty cool, except for the lousy production which hampered the power of their music. However, it seems that Ninefinger isn't about 'power' or clean production. Being more of a slow, sludgy band, Ninefinger stay true to the down home Louisiana style, a la Eyehategod. Speaking of which, none other than Mike Dean stars as this album's vocal maestro, however, he leaves much to be desired as his vocals just don't cut it for me. Percussion duties are once again taken up by Rich Hoak from Brutal Truth, however this musical style pretty much restricts him from showing off his true grind talent. Also included on the album are two covers, one of Motley Crue's "Dr. Feelgood" which is down right hilarious, and "In the Black" by Faith. Not bad as far as side projects go, but not the greatest of the lot either.
(article published 7/6/1997)
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