EverEve - _Seasons_
(Nuclear Blast, 1997)
by: Adrian Bromley (9 out of 10)
Since the band's conception in 1993, Germany's EverEve have managed to carefully structure their gothic/doom metal-influenced sound. The band has taken their time and used experience to help chip away all useless elements within their music and focus clearly on providing the music with enough character and structure to truly capture what the band is about. Accomplished. On _Seasons_, their first full-length LP and debut for Nuclear Blast (they had a 1994 demo called _On the Verge of Tears_), what we are provided with is stunning meshing of both powerful doom metal (growls and all) and the eerie and darkened wallop of goth. With no real set pattern of combining both elements, EverEve create multiple pairings of the two genres, allowing the album to supply us with ample creations that overflow with enough passion and strength to keep us satisfied from start to finish. A recommended purchase for those that like a bit of goth with your metal.

(article published 13/5/1997)

3/5/2000 P Azevedo 5 EverEve - Regret
6/7/1998 P Azevedo 9 EverEve - Stormbirds
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