Xysma - _Lotto_
(Relapse, 1997)
by: Adrian Bromley (8 out of 10)
A lot of people are really diggin' this record. I am one of them. Fueled with more of a gritty Rock n' Roll feel to the material, moreso than working hard to display any kind of take on metal music, the Finnish five-piece's debut album _Lotto_ for Relapse Records is truly worth getting your hands onto. Full of swing, groove and a slight touch of absurdness and quirkiness, _Lotto_ rolls through the album's ten songs with a truly no holds-barred attitude. Like a fully-charged bar band wanting to scare the establishment's clientele, the momentum and deliverance of singer Joanitor's vocals are rough and running ragged on each song. Add in a tight band and memorable melodies and you got something worth cranking off your speaker. The music is a combination of influences from everyone from Sonic Youth to Motorhead to The Misfits to The Cult and Black Sabbath and there is no denying that all those band's weighed heavily in the sounds the band have managed to create within _Lotto_. Some of you may be scratching your head at the whole concept or ideas that Xysma are trying to gel together but believe me it works. If there is any hype to come along with this band in the near future, believe it.

(article published 16/3/1997)

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