Danzig - _Il Demonio Nera_
(Regain Records / Evil Live, 2005)
by: Jackie Smit (3 out of 10)
You can love the man's music until you're blue in the face, but it's hard to argue that the recent Danzig DVDs weren't something of a proverbial rip-off. Nevermind the fact that it's already a lofty ambition for any music video release to warrant its shelf-space, but three not-so-different clips of six songs (taken in this case from Danzigs 4 through 6) do not value for money make. While the quality of the music or indeed their accompanying promo clips is certainly not in question here, _Il Demonio Nera_ is simply such a pointless, throwaway release that even hardened fans of the Evil Elvis would do wisely to avoid this on general principle.
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