Fear Disorder - _In a Rage_
(Independent, 1996)
by: Adrian Bromley (7 out of 10)
Local Toronto act Fear Disorder have been through the ringer too many times to count (name changes/band members/demo tapes/etc) but at last the band has finally been able to capture a sound and groove that is very hard-hitting. While the music on _In a Rage_ may not be the most earthshaking material we have heard in the last little while (with regards to might and intensity), what Fear Disorder has managed to do is gather together all their know-how as a hard metal outfit and bring that out into their music. _IaR_ is overflowing with strong riffs, monster-growls and non-stop blasts of heaviness. The music - a combination of thrash metal (Overkill or Testament) and well-focused metallic grooves (Voivod) - allows the four-piece to maneuver through memorable numbers like the title track, "Hole in Your Head" and "God Kills (And So Shall I)" with the greatest of ease. A strong debut CD by a band that has finally mastered and perfected where they should be in the metal music realm. Let's hope people catch on now.
(article published 4/2/1997)
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