Number One Son - _Lessons_
(Visible Noise, 2003)
by: Xander Hoose (8.5 out of 10)
Standing on the border of what we usually review, Number One Son is primarily an alternative rock band that has quite a following in the hardcore/metal scene. Which isn't very strange: _Lessons_ is on the heavy side of things, and much more original than others like Linkin Park and Deftones. Musically somewhat similar to Thorn.Eleven and LostProphets, Number One Son has a somewhat more bombastic and aggressive sound without losing that poppy feeling to their songs. While the guitar work is definitely worth mentioning, the most surprising element are the vocals, which are so clean and vital that many bands could learn from this. No false keys, no forced voices. Slower songs like "Renewal" act like a piece of calmness between the riffing, defining the contour of the songs more clearly. Even though the album runs a little too long, _Lessons_ is recommended for those into the alt/emo corner, and hopefully we'll see them touring soon with some fitting bands.

(article published 27/10/2003)

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