Cumchrist - _Cumplete_
(Unmatched Brutality Records, 2003)
by: Quentin Kalis (7 out of 10)
Cumchrist are a supergroup of sorts with members from, amongst others, Cianide and Gorgasm. As implied by the rather dumb title, this is a compilation of all unreleased studio material from the past two years, and with several new tracks tagged on. As can be gathered from the rather silly band name, Cumchrist are a goregrind band with a black sense of humour, much like A.C. or Blood Duster, combined with the Christian-hating dogma of black metal. Some samples are also used, but not excessively. Cumchrist are saved from being a mere 'song title' band through some strong and catchy material. Indeed, this could have been one of to be one of the better albums I've heard recently from this genre. Unfortunately, the short playing time -– 18 songs in 18 minutes, including several additional hidden tracks -- makes it hard to 'get' into the songs and to really enjoy the CD. The brevity of songs has not prevented classic status being accorded to D.R.I.'s self-titled album and Napalm Death's first two albums, and there are undoubtedly listeners out there who will love _Cumplete_. But just as the brevity of the songs on the aforementioned albums prevent this listener from really enjoying them, I am also unable to truly appreciate this album.


(article published 4/7/2003)

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