Slow Horse - _Slow Horse_
(Free Bird Records, 2000)
by: Adrian Bromley (7 out of 10)
Ringleader Daniel Bukszpan has a lot of issues to get off his chest and he does him damnedest with this rather interesting six-song release to explore those topic areas. Set within a rather bizarre take on doomy, psychedelic rock, Slow Horse build up a charge for the most part, though at times (especially at the tail end) their ability to stay focused meanders away from the meat and potatoes of their deliverance. The musical patterns flowing here are pretty simple, doomy sludge, but the unique twist to material when done right (opener "Lick My Wounds" and "When Are You Coming Home?") really makes an impact. The best track? A fucked up version of crooner Chris Isaak's hit "Wicked Game". Too cool and fucking heavy to boot!
Contact: 150 East 7th, #D1 New York, NY 10009, USA
(article published 5/3/2000)
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