Soil - _El Chupacabra!_
(MIA Records, 1999)
by: Adrian Bromley (8 out of 10)
I know there has been some talk amongst some of my metal friends and esteemed music critic colleagues that they really didn't dig this music too much, found something wrong with what Soil was doing with this five-song EP or what have you. But I gotta be honest with you kids, this is the shit! Busting out with the incredibly reckless "F-Hole" and continuing on with the ultra-heavy "Broken Wings", Soil have done nothing wrong here. It's all good shit. While the EP tones down the aggression towards its middle half, offering another look at the band's musical ability, the band ends in style with a thrashy rock 'n' groove ditty called "Two Cent Friend". A great offering and a band I'm definitely marking down as one to watch for as 1999 unfolds.
(article published 13/2/1999)
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