Date By Rating
22/3/2006 P Azevedo 4 The Plague - Let the World Burn
15/3/2006 J Smit 3 Isolated - Demonss Conclave
28/2/2006 Q Kalis 3 Subliminal Fear - Demo 2005
20/2/2006 A Marouchos 3 Ascaroth - Emperor of Human Fears
20/2/2006 A Marouchos 3 Kallbrand - Bedrövelse
29/1/2006 T DePalma 3.5 Gnostic - Splinters of Change
29/1/2006 J Smit 3.5 It Will Come - 47
29/1/2006 J Smit 4 Sjodogg - Landscapes of Disease & Decadence
10/1/2006 A Marouchos 4 Arkhon - I Am the Skull
28/11/2005 A McKay 3.5 Skullshifter - Here in Hell
24/11/2005 P Azevedo 4 For Ruin - Shade
16/11/2005 A Marouchos 3 Majeste Simphonia - Tragenda Dramatica
31/10/2005 P Azevedo 3 Bahamut - Hidden Theory
31/10/2005 P Azevedo 3.5 Bosque - Dead Nature
10/10/2005 P Azevedo Meiche / For Ruin - Split
2/9/2005 P Azevedo 4.5 Mindslip - Dead Silence
25/8/2005 T DePalma 4 Necrovation - Ovations to Putrefaction
12/8/2005 T DePalma 4 Bone Awl - Not For Our Feet
23/7/2005 J Smit 5 Benighted (Swe) - Avgrundshjärta
23/7/2005 J Smit 4.5 Lupara - Self Titled Demo 2005
23/7/2005 P Azevedo 3.5 Tide - Passed By
18/7/2005 A McKay 3.5 The Green Evening Requiem - The Green Evening Requiem
27/6/2005 B Meloon 4 Carbomb - Carbomb
27/6/2005 B Meloon 2 Dechrist - Strong Men on Drugs
27/6/2005 T DePalma 4 Veil - Dolor
3/6/2005 Q Kalis 4 Sothis - Sothis
31/5/2005 T DePalma 3.5 Ethereal Collapse - Fallen Hope
24/5/2005 P Azevedo 4.5 Process of Guilt - Demising Grace
23/5/2005 B Meloon 2 Golgothian Denial - The Reign of Hatred
23/5/2005 B Meloon 0 Totally Fucking Gay - With Friends Like These, Who Needs Enemas?
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