Date By Rating
26/12/2008 Y Zhu 3 Ethereal Forest - Ethereal Forest
26/12/2008 Q Kalis 1.5 Torch of Darkness - His Infernal Smile
26/12/2008 Q Kalis 2 Weapon - Vercingetorix
13/12/2008 Y Zhu 4 Coffin - Coffin
3/12/2008 Q Kalis 3 Blacksmith - Sharpen the Steel
3/12/2008 Q Kalis 0.5 Dechrist - The Powers of Alcohol
9/11/2008 P Williams 4.5 Wishdoom - Up the Hammers
24/10/2008 P Williams 3.5 Flaming Tusk - Abagail
8/10/2008 Q Kalis 3.5 Alternine - Démo 2008
8/10/2008 Q Kalis 3 Hak-Ed Damm - Black Tortured Metal
30/9/2008 N Shahpazov 5 Altars - Altars
30/9/2008 Q Kalis 3.5 Humangled - Edge of Beyond
22/8/2008 Q Kalis 1 Absolute Fucking Chaos - Demo
22/8/2008 Q Kalis 3 Aquila - Demo I / Demo II
22/8/2008 A Erickson 4 David J. Gibbs - The Beginning
22/8/2008 Q Kalis 4.5 Insicknia - Ascent to the Sky
22/8/2008 A Erickson 2 Mystic Grave - Doom, Death, Darkness
22/8/2008 Q Kalis 2 Wrath Attack - Bringing Out the Thrash
15/8/2008 Q Kalis 2.5 Malinvern - Under a Monumental Silence
13/7/2008 C Drishner 3.5 Curimus - Under My Skin
13/7/2008 Q Kalis 2 Irrbloss - Hymns
13/7/2008 Q Kalis 2 Misanthropia - The Suffering Within
13/7/2008 Q Kalis 3 One Out of Hell - Promo 2007
13/7/2008 Q Kalis 2.5 Total Negation - A Life Lead by Sorrow and Not by Myself
6/7/2008 Q Kalis 2 Bleakwood - Demo 2008
6/7/2008 Q Kalis 3 Esugenus - Danse Maccabre
6/7/2008 Q Kalis 4.5 Final Redemption - Vindicated Carnage
6/7/2008 Q Kalis 2.5 Sine Luce - L'Ombra dell' Apparenza
11/6/2008 Q Kalis 4 Convulsion - Severe and Violent
11/6/2008 Q Kalis 4 Death Aura - Winds of Mortal Hope
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