Date By Rating
6/3/2011 A El Naby 8 Belphegor - Blood Magick Necromance
6/3/2011 A McKay 6 Bloodiest - Descent
6/3/2011 J Carbon 7.5 Deicide - To Hell With God
6/3/2011 J Carbon 9 Obscura - Omnivium
6/3/2011 C Drishner 9 Obskure Torture - Spilling the Blood of the World
6/3/2011 A El Naby 7.5 Onslaught - Sounds of Violence
6/3/2011 A El Naby 9 Orphaned Land - The Never Ending Way of Orwarrior
26/2/2011 P Azevedo 8 At the Gates - Purgatory Unleashed - Live at Wacken
26/2/2011 P Azevedo 9 Dornenreich - Flammentriebe
26/2/2011 P Azevedo 8.5 Helrunar - Sól
26/2/2011 P Azevedo 8 Lifelover - Sjukdom
25/2/2011 D Lake 6 Blaze of Sorrow - Eterno Tramonto
25/2/2011 J Carbon 5 Burzum - Fallen
25/2/2011 J Carbon 5.5 Darkest Hour - The Human Romance
25/2/2011 A McKay 8 Destruction - Day of Reckoning
25/2/2011 D Lake 7.5 Erimha - Irkalla
25/2/2011 K Sarampalis 8 Fen - Epoch
25/2/2011 A El Naby 5.5 Hemoptysis - Misanthropic Slaughter
25/2/2011 C Drishner 3 Hidden - Dead Land Energy
25/2/2011 A El Naby 7 Immanifest - Qilphotic
25/2/2011 D Lake 7 Mhorgl - Antinomian
25/2/2011 A El Naby 6.5 Neuraxis - Asylon
25/2/2011 A El Naby 4 Nothing Left for Tomorrow - Nightbreed
25/2/2011 A McKay 7 Rabbits - Lower Forms
25/2/2011 D Lake 7 Ruled by Reason - The Dawning of Dystopia
25/2/2011 C Drishner 7 Skyforger - Kurbads
25/2/2011 J Carbon 8 Ulcerate - Destroyers of All
13/2/2011 A El Naby 7.5 Heirs - Fowl
13/2/2011 C Drishner 8.5 Krypteia - Avodah Zarah
13/2/2011 C Drishner 7.5 Mr. Peter Hayden - Faster Than Speed
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