Date By
12/8/1999 P Schwarz Suicidal Tendencies: Of Skateboards, Suicide and Pepsi
12/8/1999 D Rocher Tiamat: Within the Sun's Own Shadow
7/7/1999 P Schwarz Arch Enemy: Arched Bridges Beware
7/7/1999 A Wasylyk Blasphemy: Florida's Newest Blasphemy
7/7/1999 A Cantwell Extol: Anointed For Burial
7/7/1999 D Rocher Hypocrisy: The Hypocrite's Arising Realm
7/7/1999 P Schwarz Immolation: Incinerating Yourself to Live
7/7/1999 A Cantwell Mordecai: With Summer's Entrance, Frost Is Banished
7/7/1999 A Bromley Testament: A Testament to Longevity
15/6/1999 A Cantwell Blindside: The Blindside of the Law
15/6/1999 A Bromley Nocturnal Rites: Nightly Nastiness
15/6/1999 A Cantwell Payable on Death: Paid in Full
15/6/1999 A Wasylyk Rotting: Slowly They Rot
15/6/1999 A Bromley Skinlab: The Flesh Dealers Return
19/5/1999 A Bromley Amorphis: Living Up to Their Name
19/5/1999 P Azevedo Ashes You Leave: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust
19/5/1999 A McKay Bethlehem: From Here to the Unholy Land
19/5/1999 A McKay Epoch of Unlight: Of Epoch Proportions
19/5/1999 P Schwarz Immortal: We Worship Winter
19/5/1999 P Azevedo In the Woods...: ...of Delightful Melancholy
19/5/1999 P Schwarz Infestation: Infesting For the Future
19/5/1999 P Azevedo Odeum: The Swedish Invasion Continues
19/5/1999 P Azevedo Primordial: Dark Songs of Erenn
19/5/1999 P Azevedo Soriben: Spanish Doom Is Growing
19/5/1999 A Bromley Witchery: Celebrating Metal's Past
14/3/1999 A Bromley Exhumed: Madmen of Mutilation
14/3/1999 A Cantwell Kekal: Beyond a Glimpse of Borneo
14/3/1999 D Rocher Marduk: Far Beyond the Grace of God
14/3/1999 A Cantwell Necromanicide: Hate Regime Wars
14/3/1999 A Bromley Orange Goblin: Passing the Bong
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