Black Succubi - _Demo 2007_
by: Quentin Kalis (3 out of 5)
OK, even by my liberal standards this seemed a bit out of my comfort zone, as despite the tired gothic overtures of the band name, these Danes perform two tracks of "hard and heavy rock 'n' roll", which is intended as a teaser for their upcoming debut full-length. Not that they are newbies -- most of the members have been in the scene for a while, including a drummer they share with power metallers Iron Fire. But this proved to be a somewhat erroneous claim, as while there are rock elements (such as the solo on the first track and the choruses), the chugging rhythms backing the verses would not be out of place on most heavy metal albums. The songs do possess a certain charm, but fail to convince me whether their upcoming full-length will be worth my money and time.


(article published 24/7/2007)

24/10/2008 Q Kalis 5.5 Black Succubi - Black Succubi
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