Revocation - _Summon the Spawn_
by: Quentin Kalis (3.5 out of 5)
This Illinois based trio perform a Bay Area styled thrash imbued with a touch of technical death metal, in the style of the Morrisound studio bands (Death, Pestilence, Atheist) rather than contemporary leaders such as Akercocke. Revocation are perhaps a bit low in the originality department, but few bands display it in abundance on a demo (although it certainly is something that can be obtained).

There is no shortage of catchy riffs, the musicians are clearly competent and they benefit from a decent production. Their major flaw is that while their songs start and end strongly, the intervening period is less memorable and they tend to meander somewhat aimlessly, especially on "Suffer These Wounds". They clearly have the talent and some good ideas, so I am sure that in future they will be able to bring these concepts to fruition.


(article published 22/3/2007)

23/8/2013 A El Naby 5 Revocation - Revocation
1/11/2011 A El Naby 5.5 Revocation - Chaos of Forms
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